Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Regimen For Sunday!!

Quick Update For My Sunday Process 12/7/2008

1. Parted hair into 4 sections, clipping off each section.

2. Wet hair and shampooed with Nexxus Aloe Rid, then CON, then DC'ed with V05.

*Although it's not the best conditioner for me to DC with--I also had to detangle and this is one of the best for me to detangle with.

3. Detangled each section (horrible for me) and proceeded to rinse out conditioner afterwards.

4. Applied Aphogee Pro-Vitamin Leave-In on each section.

5. Applied Fantasia Polisher Gel to front of hair, pulled it back and place into a clip.

6. Tied my hair down with a silk scarf and removed the clip about 2 hours after my front had dried some.

7. Moisturized and sealed, before I went to bed, with Wave Noveau+Coconut Oil.


2BOSSAY said...

lol...wow ur n2 wave nouveau now 2 huh?...interesting....lol...

Brownelovely said...

Yep..I actually browught it a few months ago. I asked Melyssah about it on Hairlista and it's her and Sunshyne's fav!